Monday, March 3, 2008

Favorite Portmanteaus

blog (duh), soundscape, brunch, hazmat, wifi, mockumentary, ginormous, malware, liger, bromance, cineplex, pulsar, sexcapade, emoticon, sitcom, neocon and crazyass (perhaps a compound word)


Ruby said...

Jupee I do not no what a lot of those things are, but I do like Ligers!!!!!
I got a video about the Kaiser Cheifs on my blog named after me!Ha!I taught my dad how to do it!I'll teach you to!Ha!Go check out my blog,


Sanford said...

My favorite would have to be Skordalicious.

pb said...

I don't really have a favorite. Except for maybe "Obamacan."

jupee said...

Ruby: Wouldn't it be cool if there were rataphants or rhinosloths? Ha!

Sanford: It's babalicious, silly.

PB: Saweet. It looks like it's going to be a nailbiter tonight, doncha think? Thanks for posting. Please post your blog link so that we can party on your macside of the world.

Sanford said...

Jenny got a blog