Sunday, March 9, 2008

Like a March Hare

Do you think Simon has drawn:

A. Kevin
B. Julie
C. a hermaphrodite
D. the Spirit of Life


Ruby said...

B.(Julie) Because Julie is his mother, his loved one, and it has long hair.

Julie I got a new blog!If you want to go to it you can. It is



Ruby said...

Julie ask him what he drew. He should tell you.



pb said...

Well, this is an intriguing picture. Is it representational? If I have to select one of the alternatives, I guess I'd have to go with B. because of those breast-like images up front -- plus it seems to convey a certain emotional aura that I imagine Wallace might associate with his mother.

jupee said...

pb: I thought that emotional aura was pretty unmistakable too. There is something about so many teeth, no arms and nips hanging off the bottom of those uneven circles that reminds me of me. When I asked him what he had drawn, he flushed and said a ghost explaining that was the reason for the squiggles running around the body. I just didn't have the courage to ask the obvious next question: Am I the ghost? (We never really do escape our mothers, do we?) He obviously withheld something or he wouldn't have flushed like that.

Kevin Peaslee said...

True, I don't have hair, droopy boobs, or the right "emotional aura" for Simon's drawing. But there's one thing that's unmistakably me. Sad to say, but it's almost photo realistic.

jupee said...

Uh, babe . . . I don't know if anyone has told you this, but this is a public forum. And, for the record, we both know you were talking about the teeth.