Monday, December 13, 2010

Gratitude Project, Game Over

Am I too impatient? A mutant? Expressing gratitude in the wrong way? Focusing on the wrong things to be grateful for? Disturbed? Over simplifying? Could they be wrong? Dunno, but my feeling is that seven weeks of this is, if anything, bringing me down. And because I take a certain pleasure in quitting things that appear to bring me down . . . ciao.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gratitude Project, Week Seven

Feels like I'm trying to make lemonade this week, but here it goes:

Wallace Thing: That his recital is now over so we don't have to work on Sonata in C Major by Jean Baptiste Breval any more.

Running: Hitting my goals.

Simon Thing: Listening to him sing "My mother had a great deal of trouble with me . . . but I think she enjoyed it."

Wallace & Simon Thing: They are OBSESSED with Star Wars and have checked out every graphic dictionary/encyclopedia on topic from the library. They sit with 10+ oversized books and watch part of an episode every day, pausing the DVD a zillion times to make connections between the movies and the books.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gratitude Project, Week Six

Simon Thing: He sits by the toe-kick fan in the kitchen and calls the blowing hot air "dragon's breath."

Unitarian Thing: What they teach the kiddos:
Q: What do you teach children?
We teach children that they are capable of looking into their own hearts and minds for religious truth. We teach them that their natural response of awe and wonder to the beauty of the world is a spiritual response. We teach them to think deeply about moral and ethical issues, and to be curious and respectful rather than frightened or angry when they meet persons who are different from them.

Kevin Thing: That sometimes he has good dreams.

Book: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller. Thought provoking about the importance and inevitabilities of childhood. And, some ideas about what to do when it all goes so confusingly and heart-breakingly wrong.

Literary Character: Miggery Sow in the Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. She is the victim of such misfortune with priceless observations, like: "That's some good sophosy, that is, kill 'em, even if they's already dead."

Find on the Internet. Beat poetry at its finest.